EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2022

Event date
July 13-16, 2021
Leiden, virtual
Short description

In 2022, the city of Leiden in the Netherlands will be hosting the 10th edition of the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) and the European City of Science. The Leiden University, the Municipality of Leiden, Leiden University of Applied Sciences, and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) collaborate to organize the conference and the events all over the year in Leiden.



To celebrate the 10th ESOF edition as the largest biennial multidisciplinary science conference in Europe, Leiden, as an international knowledge city, will be promoting science and knowledge in the Netherlands and Europe. In addition to the scientific offer, the year also offers an interactive public programme of 365 days. With the motto ‘a little wiser every day’, every day for 365 days, one of the 101 neighbourhoods in Leiden and its surrounding region will be visited. And every day will revolve around a different topic. From peas to privacy and from bees to beer, there will be something for everyone.

Henri Lenferink, Mayor of Leiden stated: “In 2022, Leiden will be the stage for the top of European sciences. During European City of Science 2022 we have the ambition to inspire as many curious people as possible. One way of doing so is with the unique 365-day programme ‘Knowledge through the Neighbourhoods’. Preparations are in full swing, and we look forward to a fantastic knowledge and science year in Leiden.”


The EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) created by EuroScience in 2004, is the largest biennial interdisciplinary meeting on science and innovation in Europe, for and with society.
Each conference aims to deliver stimulating content and lively debate around the latest advancements and discoveries in the sciences, humanities and social sciences.

ESOF brings together over 4,500 leading thinkers, innovators, policy makers, journalists and educators from more than 90 countries, to discuss current and future breakthroughs in contemporary science.
ESOF is one of the best opportunities for everyone from leading scientists, early careers researchers, business people, policy makers, science and technology communicators to the general public to come together to find out more about how science is helping us advance today.

The 10th edition of ESOF in 2022 will attract thousands of delegates to Leiden (Netherlands), the host city of ESOF2022 and the European City of Science 2022, during the week of the conference. Along side with the Forum, the Science in the City Festival will be held between January and December 2022 in Leiden.


The Leiden European City of Science 2022 programme consists of three separate lines: Contemplate, Participate and Celebrate. The ESOF conference will be held as one of the Highlights taking place from the 13th to 16th July 2022 in the Contemplate programme.

Two Professors from Leiden University have been chosen as local champions for ESOF: Prof. Dr. Corinne Hofman, former dean of the Faculty of Archeology, and Prof. Dr. Ferry Breedveld, former chair of the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) Executive Board. In her speech in Trieste, Hofman said: “With ESOF 2022 we want to emphasise the importance of science to society and, vice versa, the importance of society to science. We are seeking to involve and enter into a dialogue with citizens, politicians, entrepreneurs and opinion makers on how science works, what its added value and relevance to society is, as well as which questions need to be asked and how data should be interpreted.”

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Event type
  • Other

Entry created by Admin on September 18, 2021
Modified on September 18, 2021