Cell Press Inclusion and Diversity Statement initiative

Event date
October 19, 2021
Short description

Following her successful presentation at the EASE Virtual conference in June, Deborah Sweet of Cell Press has kindly agreed to describe their Inclusion and Diversity Statement initiative in more detail, with additional information from recent months.


The initiative encourages authors to highlight aspects of the paper that are relevant for inclusion and diversity. It is purposely multifunctional and designed to give authors a venue to share ways in which their work or their research group, or both, are contributing to help science become more inclusive and diverse overall.  Authors who choose to participate have the option of providing information only for aggregated reporting or also including a templated statement in their published paper. This presentation will describe development of this overall approach, the form used to collect data, and preliminary assessment of the information being reported by authors.

REGISTER: https://bit.ly/easewebinaroct21


About the speaker

Deborah Sweet
Vice President of Editorial at Cell Press

Dr. Sweet earned her BA from the University of Cambridge, UK, and her PhD at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, also in Cambridge, then carried out postdoctoral work at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, USA. She began her publishing career in 1996 as the Editor of Trends in Cell Biology and then joined Cell Press in 1999, where she held scientific editorial positions on CellMolecular Cell, and Developmental Cell before becoming the Editor-in-Chief of Developmental Cell in 2004.  She was the launch Editor-in-Chief for Cell Stem Cell in 2007 and held that position for 10 years.  In 2011 Dr. Sweet became one of the Cell Press Publishing Directors and then in 2017 the Vice President of Editorial.  In this role she is responsible for leading an in-house editorial team with over 160 members and contributing to the broader strategic direction of Cell Press.


Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Event type
  • Other

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on September 18, 2021
Modified on September 18, 2021