Global Bioeconomy Summit

Event date
November 16-20, 2020
Short description

The Global Bioeconomy Summit (GBS) is a high-level, biennial international conference. It has become the leading event with a format to globally review and discuss emerging opportunities and challenges of the bioeconomy and develop visions for the future development of a sustainable bioeconomy among key actors from governments, science and innovation, business and civil society. The summit links bioeconomy policy closely to global sustainable development and climate agendas. The Summit was originally initiated by the Bioeconomy Council of the Federal German Government in 2015.



To fulfill this mission the GBS developed the following goals:

  • Closely monitor and document bioeconomy developments globally
  • Identify common challenges and opportunities for synergies in the bioeconomy
  • Present new approaches and solutions for sustainable bioeconomy in regional and global facets
  • Identify and connect with thought leaders
  • Initiate transnational and global research partnerships
  • Mobilize participation of thought leaders and key stakeholders from all hemispheres
  • Establish an open, equal and science-based dialogue among key stakeholders from governments, academia, civil society and business, incl. finance
  • Facilitate and induce knowledge sharing and collaboration in bioeconomy development at regional, national and international level
  • Inspire participants to take the ideas and recommendations of the GBS Communiqué back home and facilitate their implementation
  • Stimulate national and regional bioeconomy discourses by providing powerful examples of pilot projects and larger scale industry transformations
  • Stimulate the implementation of R&D in the private sector

The direct output and outcomes of the GBS are:

  • Communiqué with policy recommendations developed and agreed by the International Advisory Council on Global Bioeconomy (IAC)
  • Report on worldwide bioeconomy policy strategies
  • Exhibition of biobased product innovations and sustainable solutions from around the world
  • Showcasing of flagship projects
  • Collaboration and reporting on thematic priorities discussed during the GBS
  • Report on plenary sessions featuring thought leadership in bioeconomy policy and sustainable development
  • Networking and multilateral dialogues induced by the conference
  • Outreach through live webstream, social and traditional media coverage and public relations activities
  • Multiplier effects through participants’ word-of-mouth and follow-up activities in their spheres of influence

For more information please visit the conference website:

Registration has not yet begun for GBS2020. Please stay tuned for the registration launch date.


Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • H2020
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Event type
  • Conference in EU/international

Entry created by Admin on September 17, 2020
Modified on September 17, 2020