Industrial R&D: Europe First?

Event date
September 8, 2020
Short description

The COVID crisis has highlighted how prone a highly-interdependent world economy is to disruptions. As talk of technology sovereignty rises in Europe, the path of choice is to encourage near-shoring of production and developing regional technology capabilities where these are lacking today. In the EU, part of this discussion concerns technology in the digital sector where US and Asian/Chinese technology providers dominate. Still, Europe cannot set global standards in technology policymaking on its own. How to keep science borders open, prioritise technology reliability and enhance regulatory cooperation with trustworthy international partners? This virtual conference will bring together industry leaders, EU officials, national ministers and researchers to measure the impact that these ‘Europe first’ policies may have on companies and deliver recommendations on the future of industrial R&D.



Parallel workshops
What should the future for industry R&D look like for:

  1. Aerospace R&D: What’s in the air?
  2. Energy: Accelerating the transition to a carbon-neutral future
  3. Deeptech: How to get more disruptive ideas out of the labs and into world markets 
  4. Health: Preparing for the next pandemic
  5. Sustainable Green Recovery: Bio-Based Industries in the driving seat 
  6. Digital skills for industry: catching up or preparing for the future? 
  7. Technology sovereignty: What is it?
  8. Cities: Transforming urban mobility through AI, big data and smart regulation
* NB: This series of interactive sessions will be available by registration only (Access to plenaries, workshops + B2B platform ticket - 45€ excl. VAT). Maximum 30 participants per session.
Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Event type
  • Webinar

Entry created by Admin on August 27, 2020
Modified on August 27, 2020