European Robotics Forum 2020

Event date
March 3-5, 2020
Short description

The European Robotics Forum (ERF2020) is the meeting point for over a thousand decision makers, engineers, researchers, and a growing number of entrepreneurs and investors, as well as users and policy makers in the field of robotics from all over Europe and beyond.


During the 11th edition of the European Robotics Forum (#ERF2020) there will be a major exhibition with robotics companies, universities and research organisations display their robots and research. There are over 50 workshops planned, which gives participants a chance to experience the newest and most interesting research and innovation in Europe, which is a forerunner to funding research and innovation in artificial intelligence and robotics.

The draft programme is available already.

Among all the interesting workshop you will find workshops organised by the European Commission:

  • H2020 new projects: The new projects from ICT-09-2019-2020  and ICT-10-2019-2020 will present their ideas
  • Success stories: Already running or just finished projects will present their successes
Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology
Event type
  • Conference in EU/international
  • Start-up, technology event

Entry created by Admin on February 13, 2020
Modified on February 13, 2020