H2020 Master of Finance and Administration and EC Audits

Event date
May 20-22, 2019
Short description

This 3-day training course answers all of your questions related to the financial management and administration of Horizon 2020 projects and EC financial audits. It will help you ensure that the day-to-day bookkeeping as well as the periodic and financial reports of your H2020 projects are sound and fully conform with the requirements of the H2020 Grant Agreement and ready for an EC audit.

With our 15 running Horizon 2020 right now and the 20 years' experience of our trainers in managing and coordinating EU research and innovation projects, there is not a single question we cannot answer. We have been managing EU projects since 1999 and delivering international training courses since 2004. Our everyday project management and coordination experience makes our courses unmatched in Europe.


Facts and doubts about H2020 financial management and administration

  • Eligibility of various costs in H2020 may depend on various factors and differ on a case-by-case basis.
    Do you know how to interpret the H2020 AMGA and make the right decisions?
  • Calculation of personnel costs is the most common source of problems in financial reporting and audits.
    Do you know how to make your time-sheets bulletproof and your salary calculation correct?
  • Financial rules of Horizon 2020 differ from the financial rules of FP7 on several instances.
    Do you know what these differences are and what implications they have on your accounting and administration processes?
  • EC financial audits at H2020 beneficiaries can be conducted directly by the Commission services or by external contractors.
    Do you know how the financial audits are conducted and how to get prepared for both approaches?


Why Europa Media and why this course?

1. Trainers are actual Project Managers and Coordinators

This 3-day training course is built 100% on project experience and real-life examples. Our trainers and workshop leaders are flesh-and-bone financial managers and administrators, whose daily work is to prepare financial reports and control budgets, manage project spending and assist our project partners in their financial management. Gabor Kitley, our financial expert, regularly supports major universities, research institutions and corporations all over Europe to survive financial audits. We ourselves went through six audits since we started our first EU project.

2. Lectures and practical workshops with material from real life

Experience Europa Media's unique "learning-by-doing" approach – hear presentations in the morning, then use your newly-acquired knowledge during the workshops:

  • Horizon 2020 Financial Rules

Introducing the financial rules from the very basics to the most advanced issues using a practical, real-life approach. Prepare yourself, because you will make a lot of notes.      

  • Workshop: Financial Management and Reporting

Discover the well-known and utterly unique workshop of Europa Media. Participants will receive a package consisting of timesheets, salary slips, invoices, contracts, per-diem certificates and mission reports for a virtual H2020 project. They will then have to calculate the eligible costs and submit a financial statement.

  • EC Audits

Participants will be briefed on the EC financial audit process. Financial rules and bottlenecks, tricks and mistakes to focus on will be introduced.

  • Workshop: EC Audit

You will become an auditor for a day! Participants in small groups will perform a financial audit of a virtual Horizon 2020 project based on the documentation provided by us.

Is this training for me?

Feedback from previous participants show that this course is equally useful for

  • Financial administrators and controllers
  • Researchers         
  • Research Advisers
  • Project managers and coordinators
  • Decision makers  
  • Finance NCPs  

coming from

  • Public institutions
  • Universities and research institutions
  • SMEs and large companies

Thanks to our learning-by-doing approach and the unique workshops, participants with different background will meet all their expectations. One of the strengths of our courses is the diverse backgrounds of the participants, which allows all to learn a lot from the many different approaches and stories.

Geographical focus
  • Austria
  • Croatia
  • Danube Macroregion
  • EC
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • FP7
  • France
  • Germany
  • H2020
  • Italy
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Engineering and Technology
  • General
  • Humanities
  • Medical and Health Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Social Sciences
Event type
  • Horizon Europe / H2020 event
  • Training

Entry created by Rita Balazs on February 11, 2019
Modified on February 11, 2019