Conference: "People’s food - people’s health: Towards healthy and sustainable European Food Systems"

Event date
November 22-23, 2018
Short description

With the conference Austria wants to facilitate a dialogue between all relevant stakeholders in the food system.


Healthy and sustainable Food Systems are part of the solution to reduce diet-related diseases and environmental burdens. Healthy and sustainable food systems will not only contribute towards better health of European citizens but will also bring benefits for our natural environments, for our economy and will improve social wellbeing of European Citizens. A systems’ approach is urgently needed. 

The presentation and discussion of promising multi-sectorial practices in the food system will be a main focus at the conference.The conference should be one milestone on the way of transition towards a more healthy and equitable future. Lively discussions should result in propositions of concrete actions. A healthy and sustainable diet must become available, affordable, acceptable and appealing for all.

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Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
Event type
  • Conference in EU/international

Entry created by Admin on November 14, 2018
Modified on November 14, 2018