Europe’s Transformation: Where People Matter - Austrian Presidency Event

Event date
November 14-15, 2018
Short description

The 4th International Growth in Transition Conference: ‘Europe’s Transformation: Where People Matter’, jointly organised by the Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism and the Environment Agency Austria, will link up the transformative processes and power already taking effect within the particular participating institutions.


The international conference is supported by 31 stakeholder organisations. The event will focus on exploring economic and societal pathways towards pro-active approaches and a vision of a society that improves the well-being of its citizens. The conference will bring together researchers, professionals, politicians, public officials, entrepreneurs, enthusiasts, practitioners and other civil society groups from Austria and Europe.

Registration is available here:

Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
Event type
  • Conference in EU/international

Entry created by Admin on October 8, 2018
Modified on October 8, 2018