Waste heat: opportunities for sustainable energy intensive industries

Event date
October 11, 2018
Short description

Free waste heat workshop at demo site.


We are pleased to invite you to the "Waste heat: opportunities for sustainable energy intensive industries" workshop that will be held on October 11th 2018 (9:00-15:30) in Piacenza (Italy), in the Best Western Park Hotel
The workshop, organized within the EU funded project TASIO, has the purpose to provide an overview of the TASIO project, deeply describing its main scientific results.
A visit to the demo site built in Cementi Rossi facilities is foreseen in order to show the innovative aspects of the TASIO waste heat to power generation technology developed during the project.

Geographical focus
  • EC
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • H2020
  • Italy
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology
Event type
  • Horizon Europe / H2020 event

Entry created by Rita Balazs on September 5, 2018
Modified on September 5, 2018