8th ESEE Dialogue Conference

Event date
June 26-27, 2018
Hotel Tehnograd/Tuzla
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Short description

The ESEE Dialogue Conference is a kick-off event for the ESEE community offering networking opportunities in the field of raw materials. Best-practice examples and opportunities to become a member in the EIT RawMaterials community will be presented by the Regional Center Leoben and Hub Regional Center Adria. The focus by the Co-Location Center East will be on Smart Innovation Strategies and Raw Materials Education.

Tagret group:

Experts (on mining, geology, mineral and metallic raw materials, circular economy …)

Raw Materials Industry

Policy and decision‐makers in the field of mineral prospection and mining industry

Stakeholders of Raw Materials Education


Agenda at a glance


09:00 – 10:00 Registration

  • EIT Raw Materials
    • Overview and opportunities for the ESEE region - focus: Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • RIS (Regional Innovation Scheme) strategy and projects - creating impact for local economies
    • Becoming an active EIT RawMaterials partner
  • Regional Center Leoben and Hub Regional Center Adria - Focus: ESEE Region
    • Role and mission
    • 2018 activities, ongoing projects
    • Local outreach activities and knowledge triangle integration in the Western Balkans
  • GeoZS, ZAG, RGNF, Geological Survey of FB&H
    • Overview of mineral deposits in B&H
    • Strategy of the development of the industrial/mining sector in B&H
    • Legal framework for mineral extraction and permitting procedures for exploitation
  • Open discussion with the audience: Challenges in the mining industry in B&H
  • Evening event – networking cocktail



09:00 – 09:30 Registration

  • Tour of fly ash deposits Šljačište (near Tuzla)
  • Tour of theabandoned asbestos deposit PK Delić Brdo – Petrovo (near Tuzla)
  • Joint lunch/dinner
Geographical focus
  • Danube Macroregion
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Engineering and Technology
  • General
  • Natural Sciences
Event type
  • Conference Danube Macroregion
  • Conference in EU/international

Entry created by Anna Meyer on May 22, 2018
Modified on May 22, 2018