ACA European Policy Seminar: The impact of internationalisation

Event date
June 11, 2018
Short description

With the value of internationalisation of higher education being widely contested in many parts of the world, this event aims to enable us - internationalists - to better and more clearly demonstrate the impact of our own activities. The seminar will be a one-day exploration, guided by top-level experts, of impact assessment of internationalisation.


Take a loot at the programme of ACA's upcoming Brussels seminar - The impact of internationalisation - putting together the puzzle. Check-up the many, very topical sessions, as well as our line-up of highly-knowledgeable speakers. And to secure a place, make sure to register as soon as possible.

The seminar will be a one-day exploration, guided by top-level experts, of impact assessment of internationalisation overall, as well as of concrete activities:
  • Student and staff mobility
  • Strategic partnerships and joint programmes
  • Scholarship programmes
  • Internationalisation at home and internationalisation of the curriculum
  • National-level assessment methodologies and indicators
The overarching aim of the event is to take stock of the existing body of knowledge, data and other evidence on internationalisation.
If interested, come prepared to actively discuss and jointly conclude on what kind of impact-related questions can be answered with certainty, as well as to identify remaining gaps, that need to be filled by relevant research and data collection.

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
Event type
  • Conference in EU/international

Entry created by Admin on May 9, 2018
Modified on May 9, 2018