11th World Conference of Science Journalists - WCSJ2019

Event date
July 1-5, 2018
Short description

This event brings together professionals and students in science journalism and science writing from around the world to exchange ideas and skills, to build networks and so to foster quality science journalism and collaboration on a global scale. A call for proposals will open soon.


Science and technology play a central role in the modern world; indeed they drive much of its fast ongoing transformation. So it is crucial for the future of humanity that science and technology receive in depth and critical journalistic coverage of the highest quality. This conference aims to contribute to this goal by strengthening the professional, ethical and technical skills of science journalists; by increasing their knowledge of recent developments in science; and by improving their understanding of the forces that shape it.
WCSJ2019 will be independent and critical. Because science has never been so powerful, many forces strive to deform it to serve their agendas: corporations, politicians, ideologues... Journalists need to remain constantly sceptical and watchful, and the conference will help them with tips and insights.
WCSJ2019 is open and innovative. New ideas and new practices are constantly emerging, and the conference will strive to harness the best and bring them to Lausanne.
To do this, the organising committee will be seeking input, right up to  the last minute before the conference, not only from established experts and organisations, but also from innovators in a variety of fields.

The call for proposals will open shortly. Keep updated by following the official website.

A major focus of this meeting that will attract around 1,000 journalists from around the world, will be the Balkans and South-East Europe. At the moment, there are plans to have a one-day summer school aimed at reporters and editors from the region, as well as a twinning fellowship that would allow reporters from the Balkans to work jointly with Western Europe journalists on specific stories of cross-border importance. More information will be available in few time.

Contact details:

For supporting opportunities: supporters@wcsj2019.eu

For general enquiries: info@wcsj2019.eu


Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • International; Other
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
Event type
  • Conference in EU/international

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on February 15, 2018
Modified on February 15, 2018