Regional Conference on Public Service Delivery across the Western Balkans on “Initiatives and Innovations towards the EU

Event date
May 18-19, 2017
Tirana; Durres
Short description

The Regional School of Public Administration (RESPA) is organizing the Regional Conference on Public Service Delivery across the Western Balkans on “Initiatives and Innovations towards the EU”, in Tirana & Durres (Albania) on 18 to 19 May 2017.


The overall objective of the Conference is to present state of play in service delivery across the region - Initiatives characterized by innovation and EU approximation, with a particular emphasis on the Albanian model being currently implemented. The discussions in the conference will enable participants to comprehensively understand from a technical standpoint the implications that may arise during implementation of such highly complex innovative solutions within a public context. Therefore, the event will initiate the dialogue which will lead towards identification of good case examples that may be further presented at 10th ReSPA Annual Conference “Innovation for improving quality of public services”.

The conference is intended for ministerial-level and high level participants from respective region, government officials from the EU and the Western Balkans, representatives of relevant international organizations, representatives of Chamber of commerce, Business sector associations and relevant Civil society organizations. 

Source and further information: ReSPA

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Event type
  • Conference WBs

Entry created by Giorgio Piccirillo on May 16, 2017
Modified on May 16, 2017