OeNB’s Conference on European Economic Integration (CEEI)

Event date
November 20-21, 2017
Short description

The Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) has a long tradition of supporting science and academic research. In this spirit, the OeNB has introduced the Olga Radzyner Award, which is bestowed on excellent young economists from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe in commemoration of Olga Radzyner, former Head of the OeNB’s Foreign Research Division. This year, the award is to be conferred for the 18th time at the OeNB’s Conference on European Economic Integration (CEEI) which will take place in Vienna on 20-21 November 2017.


In 2000, the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) established an award to commemorate Olga Radzyner, former Head of the OeNB’s Foreign Research Division, who pioneered the OeNB’s CESEE-related research activities. The award is bestowed on young economists for excellent research on topics of European economic integration and is conferred annually. In 2017, four applicants are eligible to receive a single payment of EUR 3,000 each from an annual total of EUR 12,000.
Submitted papers should cover European economic integration issues and be in English or German. They should not exceed 30 pages and should preferably be in the form of a working paper or scientific article. Authors shall submit their work before their 35th birthday and shall be citizens of any of the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia or Ukraine. Previous winners of the Olga Radzyner Award, ESCB central bank employees as well as current and former OeNB staff are not eligible. In case of co-authored work, each of the co-authors has to fulfill all the entry criteria.

Deadline: 15 September 2017

Further information available here

Geographical focus
  • H2020
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on March 14, 2017
Modified on March 14, 2017