H2020 Master in Project Development and Proposal Writing

Event date
January 18-19, 2017
Short description

Master program in Horizon 2020 project development and proposal writing

focused on funding for SMEs

ETA trainings are traditionally gathering of the innovation leaders and top performers. You can swiftly find the most suitable funding opportunity, the best partners, define project outline, refine your proposal writing skills, get insight into sub-evaluation criteria, or subcontract proposal writing  to experienced experts to refine your proposals. We shall ensure that you are ready for the upcoming calls’ deadlines in the beginning of 2017.

Unique new funding opportunities are available! Analyse examples of winning proposals, assimilate practical tips on how to prepare an excellent innovative proposal, and learn from non-published secrets of how evaluators judge proposals. Benefit from the first-hand coaching by the officials, top-performers, proposal writers, reviewers and project managers.


Based on extensive experience with over 25 successful project’ models that our team implemented during more than 15 years of work, upcoming training can transform your skillset to become professional proposal developer and multiply your personal income as well as the organizations/clients you are involved.

Training is tailor made for participants interests. Hence, you can send us description of your project initiatives, and work with the leading authorities during the training to refine proposals into successful projects.

If you are interested to establish communication with relevant EU officials or find the best consortium leaders , our team is happy to provide you full support.  



  • 10.00 Welcome and introduction
  • 10.15 Overview of funding opportunities in H2020 and strategies how to get funded
  • 11.30 Coffee break
  • 11.45 Review of participant’s project initiatives
  • 12.15 Practical step-by-step guidance through the proposal - how to write each part of the proposal, simply and to the point.
  • 13.00 Lunch Break
  • 13.45 Evaluation of Project Models – Systematic analysis of more than 20 winning proposals enabled us to gather approaches, methods and techniques that proved to consistently deliver highest evaluation scores
  • 14.45 Coffee Break
  • 15.00 Secrets to success - Series of useful tools and techniques how to build an optimal and winning proposal gathered from insights of evaluators. Excellence in project proposal writing explained.
  • 15.45 Q&A Discussion - Prep for Day II 16.00 Conclusions

Day II

  • 10.00 Analysis and pre-evaluation of participant’s project initiatives - expert assessment, simulating the official evaluation process and customized one-on-one consultation for improvement of every part of your proposal.
  • 11.30 Coffee Break
  • 11.45 Workshop – Proposal writing - optimal proposal structure, instructions on how to write every part of the proposal, based on evaluation criteria, enabling quick and comprehensive preparation of a winning proposal.
  • 13.00 Lunch Break
  • 13.45 Key success criteria for evaluation - Our tools ensure your proposals address all sub–evaluation criteria with sufficient detail and evidence to impress evaluators. During the workshop participants will ensure maximum scores.
  • 14.45 Coffee Break
  • 15.00 Q&A Discussion and refinement of participant’s business plans
Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Austria
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Danube Macroregion
  • EC
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • FP7
  • France
  • General/no specific focus
  • Germany
  • H2020
  • International; Other
  • Italy
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • SEE
  • Serbia
  • Slovenia
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Engineering and Technology
  • General
  • Humanities
  • Medical and Health Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Social Sciences
Event type
  • Horizon Europe / H2020 event
  • Training

Entry created by Bosko Nektarijevic on December 31, 2016
Modified on January 10, 2017