The Key Factors of Impact in Horizon 2020 - Dissemination, IP and Exploitation

Event date
November 25, 2016
Short description

Join Europa Media’s The Key Factors of Impact in Horizon 2020 - Dissemination, IP and Exploitation training course and obtain the essential hands-on knowledge and skills to effectively tackle dissemination, exploitation, communication and intellectual property rights (IPR) issues in your H2020 proposals and projects.


This course is built on our direct experience gained over the past 16 years from developing and submitting proposals and implementing projects under the EU's Research Framework Programmes. The trainers of Europa Media are actual project managers, coordinators and financial administrators of EU-funded research and innovation projects. They are currently involved in more than 10 successful ongoing Horizon 2020 projects as project coordinator, work package or task leader, and are on a daily basis conceiving and developing their own project proposals under the open and forthcoming H2020 calls. This course is designed based on this direct experience and is therefore 100% practice-driven.

Experience Europa Media's renowned "learning-by-doing" approach: hear presentations providing tips and examples, then practice your newly-gained knowledge during the practical and interactive workshops.

Lecture 1: Successful Dissemination & Communication in H2020 Projects
Tools, strategies and channels to reach your target group and communicate the right message in the right way. What are the requirements of the European Commission, what are your legal obligations? Dos and don’ts in H2020 dissemination and communication section under Impact.

Lecture 2: Exploitation Routes & IP Strategies in H2020 Projects
What are the main IPR issues and exploitation routes? Why to start/decide early? Impact on value capture in the market and business development opportunities. IP management: Definitions for non-legal experts; Benefits of strategic IP management for partners and the consortium. How to plan IP management with minimum costs and efforts? IP basics under H2020: What is fixed and what is flexible (options). Link with Dissemination activities.

Workshop 1: Dissemination & Communication

Participants will be divided into two groups. Based on a real life case scenario, one group will prepare the work package description, the other group the dissemination and communication strategy for the proposal.

Workshop 2: Exploitation & IP Management

Participants will explore and experience processes and tools for a consortium’s partners to manage and exploit IP in practice. They will learn tips and hints on how to involve and mobilise partners in putting together the project's business plan for innovation generation, protection and exploitation. Based on different real examples (in terms of consortium size, allocated budget, and desired level of partners’ involvement), they will learn how to prepare the work package description for IP and how to implement it in practice.


Geographical focus
  • Danube Macroregion
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • FP7
  • H2020
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Engineering and Technology
  • General
  • Humanities
  • Medical and Health Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Social Sciences
Event type
  • Conference in EU/international
  • Horizon Europe / H2020 event
  • Training

Entry created by Rita Balazs on September 16, 2016
Modified on September 23, 2016