7th EMAC Regional Conference: Where the East kisses the West: Marketing Convergence and Divergence in the New Europe

Event date
September 14-16, 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Short description

What had been considered the East has changed, and the same has happened to the West. Today, all of the world's economies are interdependent, meaning that the East is dependent on the West, and vice versa. In this interconnected world, the transitional economies of Central and Eastern Europe are experiencing diverse challenges. First, they need to define their own place in regard to the relationship between east and west, which affects their marketing strategies, positioning and targeting. Second, they need to understand the interdependence between the East and West, specifically understanding consumers on both sides, as well as suppliers and other important stakeholders. Finally, they need to become fully integrated into the new world by offering innovative and competitive solutions. In these ways, companies operating in Central and Eastern Europe have the opportunity to explore and use the best from both worlds and to position themselves as a knowledge bridge between the East and West, at that unique place where the East kisses the West. Companies from CEE have the opportunity to become global leaders by reconciling collaborative expertise obtained from their position as a bridge between the two worlds.


Call for papers

The organisers are inviting papers dealing with marketing challenges in the transitional markets of the New Europe. This includes papers on marketing management, strategic marketing, buying behavior, marketing-mix, sales management, B-2-B marketing, marketing and the environment and marketing and corporate social responsibility.

  • Paper submission: by April 25, 2016 at 12:00 (noon CET Time)
  • Author notification: mid-June, 2016 

Before uploading your submission, please read carefully and adhere strictly to the GUIDELINES!
Papers NOT adhering to guidelines will be deleted from the system.
The EMAC 2016 Regional Conference invites electronic submissions of papers, which should be in PDF format no later than April 25, 2016 (noon CET Time).

Please find further information here:


Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • International; Other
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences
Event type
  • Conference WBs

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on January 28, 2016
Modified on January 28, 2016