"Pioneers of the Balkans" - Investors Conference & Finals, Zagreb 2015

Event date
December 2-4, 2015
Short description

The finals of the initiative "Pioneers of the Balkans" will be held in Zagreb, on December 2-4,  2015. The initiative is supported by World Bank Group Investment Readiness Programme financed by the European Commission under the Western Balkans Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility.


The Program in a Nutshell

1. Pioneers of the Balkans Roadshow and promotion

584 teams applied from five countries: Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro.

2. Education and preparation of the startups

300+ accepted were accepted to the program and prepared for their first pitch at semi-finals in Belgrade

3. Semifinals and Belgrade Venture Forum.

During three days from 12-14th Nov in Belgrade our +300 teams are pitching behind the closed doors to compete for a place among the Top 50.

4. Investors and finals conference

In Zagreb from 3-4th Dec we will have leading regional influencers, media and corporate representatives, including the Top 50 startups pitching on stage in front of 100+ regional and international investors.

Read also more on

Success stories from the Balkans

Meet the local startup scene at the Investors Conference in Zagreb and in meanwhile meet (just) some of the regional most successful startups.

More information is available at the conference website.

Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Event type
  • Conference Danube Macroregion

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on October 23, 2015
Modified on October 23, 2015