Informality in Central and South-East Europe: Linkages between Political and Economic Actors

Event date
October 30-31, 2015
Short description

The conference is organized by the SeConS – Development Initiative Group and the Center for Research, Documentation and Publication, co-organized with The Institute for Sociological Research of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, and realized with support of Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans.


Informality represents important feature of post-socialist societies. Informal and personal networks that predate from socialist period are important legacy for development of democratic systems and market economy in former socialist countries. Particularly in the context of weak and blurred institutional and normative framework, individuals tend to rely more on informal institutions and practices. Because of that, patterns of clientelism and question of the 'culture of informality' are important for understanding of contemporary trajectories in political and economic subsystems of former socialist societies.

The aim of the conference is to present current knowledge and further developments in the debate on informal relations, structures, practices and norms which are established between political and economic actors on central and/or local levels in the states of Central and South-East Europe. Informal practices such as personal and patron-client relations, clientelism, their roots and impacts on social, political and economic structures and behaviors will be in the focus of the conference. Careful attention to informal practices is critical for understanding the incentives that enable and constrain political behavior. Political actors respond to a mix of formal and informal incentives, and in some instances, informal incentives trump the formal ones. Scientific exploration of informal structures and institutions is especially demanding task which acquires 'a new set of research challenges'. Exchange of knowledge and experiences in employing different methods in investigation of informal linkages between political and economic elites will be as well important thematic area of the conference.


Following topics will be in the focus of the conference:

  • Informal mechanisms and practices of interlocking political and economic actors
  • Roots and impacts of clientelism and patronage
  • Interplay between formality and informality in interlocking political and economic actors
  • Methodological innovation in researching informal links between political and economic elites
Geographical focus
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Event type
  • Conference WBs

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on October 23, 2015
Modified on October 23, 2015