7th European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics (ECITL)

Event date
November 5-7, 2014
Short description

As every year, the ECITL picks-up hot future topics in transport logistics and supply chain and provides a platform where experts from industry and research meet and discuss these imperatives. This year, the conference will focuses on how ICT drives transport logistics innovation and cooperation and will deep in topics as intelligent cargo, secure communication in logistics, e-freight common framework, etc.



The ECITL 2014 consists of a Scientific Day and two Industry Days:

  • Scientific Day – 05th of November 2014, 12:00 am

The Scientific Day is the opening session of the ECITL 2014. Innovative concepts and research results in the field of ICT for Transport Logistics and Supply Chain Management will be presented. Each presenter will have a slot of 20 minutes plus 10 minutes of discussion.

The Call for Papers will close on 31st of July – get more information on the ECITL website.

  • Industry Days – 06th & 07th of November 2014, 09:00 am

The Industry Day is organized in Plenary Sessions (Executive Sessions) and Parallel Sessions.

  • Plenary Sessions (Executive Sessions)

In Plenary Sessions chosen innovation issues in the field of ICT for Transport Logistics and Supply Chain Management will be presented by key personalities from the European Commission and European Projects.

  • Parallel / Special Interest Sessions

The Parallel Sessions are tailor-made and focusing on the special interests of the participants of the ECITL. These sessions delve into industrial projects and offer new perspectives, approaches and insight.


Source and further information: see attached file and website: http://www.ecitl.eu/index.php


Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Ivan Zupan on April 8, 2014
Modified on April 9, 2014