EDEN Annual Conference

Event date
June 10-13, 2014
Hypo Centre, Zagreb
Short description

Conference Scope
Developing human potential has been a persistent EU policy aim even in the recent years of economic crisis. Among the goals of the European Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, Europe 2020, we find employment and innovation, featuring education as a major lever.

European education and training systems are often criticised for not properly responding to social needs, and even that employers, education providers, and youth live in parallel universes. Universities’ reputation often comes from the visible, high level relations with prestigious corporations. E-learning, as a system integrator, may help education providers and employers to actively step into one another’s worlds.



Workplace-based training supported by ICT tools is part of the solution to reduce skill shortages and mismatches. E-learning has become a dominant delivery method in learning settings at work across various sectors and a wide range of company sizes. Its advantages may be many, including flexibility, cost and time savings, and new work habits and improved working climate. ICT-enhanced learning may improve organisational performance and lead to increased staff commitment and the generation of new ideas. E-learning is often used by companies to inform and educate not only their employees but also customers, as part of their branding and marketing strategy and activities.

The latest ICT solutions for simulations, virtual worlds, immersive learning and enhanced learning experiences are continuously producing renewed toolkits, supporting the development of authentic learning settings. E-competences and e-skills are increasingly treated as autonomous elements of personal development to be supported by specific learning activities and patterns.

The year 2014 is important as the start of the new European programme period until 2020. This coincides with intensive developments in ICT-supported learning, educational innovations and, in particular, open educational resources. With present economic trends, the key question being growth and employability, it is highly important how employers accept job candidates with the certifications and competences from the new world of learning, characterised by many innovative approaches and open educational settings.

Find out more on the Conference Themes and on the Submission Guidance.

How to contribute?

Proposals should be submitted as MS Word doc files, through the online submission form.

Paper proposals should not exceed six A4 pages, including figures and references, using the format guidelines here.

Demonstration submissions should not exceed two A4 pages, and they must include a title, a short description, a summary of its novel characteristics, the features to be demonstrated and state the significance of the contribution relevant to the conference themes, using the format guidelines here. Web address to access the demo or visual aids (e.g. screen-shots) are welcome.

Poster submissions should not exceed four A4 pages, using the format guidelines here. Authors of posters accepted for presentation will be required to prepare a max. A1 size poster for display.

For workshops a thorough description of the theme, the presentation structure and speakers, using the template is asked for. Workshop descriptions will be published in the electronic Conference Proceedings if they are elaborated and submitted as papers.

Synergy submissions should not exceed 1,5 A4 pages, including all data, information and illustrations that are requested in the format guidelines here.


For all accepted submissions, publication and insertion in the conference programme will be subject to at least one author conference registration and payment. In case an institution / organisation wishes to intruduce multiple projects within the Synergy Strand, combined delivery can be arranged, but the same author should avoid having both “regular” paper and Synergy submissions.

The expenses of attending the conference (travel, accommodation and conference fee) are the responsibility of the author(s) or presenter(s) of accepted papers. EDEN does not offer funds to assist prospective authors. Reduced fees will apply meanwhile for authors of accepted papers. For students - full time studies, age limit 35 years - special fees may be available. Please send a short ‘motivation’ letter to the Secretariat at zagreb@eden-online.org.

Schedule and Deadlines

Paper Submission: 31 January 2014  
Synergy Submission: 28 March 2014
(For details visit the Call for Contributions.)
Notification of Authors: 28 March 2014
Registration Deadline: 5 June 2014
Conference Dates: 10-13 June 2014


Would you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact the Conference Secretariat at zagreb@eden-online.org.

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Social Sciences
Event type
  • Conference WBs

Entry created by Philipp Brugner on February 25, 2014
Modified on February 25, 2014