The Ninth SEEDI Conference - Digitisation of cultural and scientific heritage

Event date
May 15-16, 2014
Short description

The Mathematical Institute of SASA invites you to the 9th SEEDI conference on digitisation of cultural and scientific heritage to be held in Belgrade on 15th and 16th May. The aim of the Conference is to present and exchange experiences in different fields and areas of digitization of cultural and scientific heritage.


The South-Eastern European Digitization Initiative (SEEDI),, is a Cultural Heritage Digitization network that gathers the organizations and experts from the European Union (EU), especially from the South-Eastern European (SEE) countries. It was created in 2004 on the basis of the Lund Action Plan, with a goal to develop and share the knowledge on the technology and discipline of the Cultural Heritage Digitization. The exchange of the Cultural Heritage Digitization knowledge was realized through the SEEDI expert meetings, eight conferences and dissemination activities (through Journal and Website).

The 9th SEEDI Conference. The Mathematical Institute of SASA is the host of the next 9th SEEDI Conference, which will be held in Belgrade on 15th and 16th May 2014. The idea of the Conference is not only to reinforce the existing network of previous country participants, but also to attract the new possible members. The aim of the gathering is to get familiar with the current situation in the Cultural Heritage Digitization in SEE countries, to encourage the cooperation between the SEE countries and EU, as well as to bring together specialists from different areas: archivists, librarians and curators, information technology developers, scholars and all the others interested in digitization of cultural and scientific heritage.

The Conference is supported by the CEI Cooperation Fund,

Call for Papers. Contributions related to all aspects of digitization of cultural and scientific heritage are invited. Papers that report on applications of
information technologies in the field of digitization are particularly welcome. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the Program Committee.

The contributions should cover some of the following topics:

1. Digital Heritage Policy, Standards and Practices
- Metadata and Semantic Processing;
- Automated metadata generation & enrichment;
- Big Data strategies;
- e-Infrastructures;
- Open access (cultural heritage, research output and PSI);
- Digitization workflows, workable patterns (software, hardware and
- Licensing mechanisms;
- Digital rights;
- Legal issues;
2. Digital Data Acqusition: Emerging Technologies and Applications in
Cultural Heritage
- 3D laser scanning;
- CAD and 3D modeling;
- GIS applications;
- Computer animation;
- Game technology;
3. Digital Heritage Presentations and Users
- Virtual and Augmented Reality;
- Storytelling;
- Crowdsourcing;
- e-Learning;
- Usability, Interface Design and User Experience;
4. Digital Heritage Long Time Preservation
- Migration and emulation for digital resources, hardware and metadata;
- Policies and funding for long-term digital preservation;
- Preservation of artifacts post-digitisation (workflows and policies);

An abstract (up to 500 words) of the proposed presentation with biographical information about the authors should be submitted by 1th April to the following e-mail address: The authors of the selected contributions will be notified by 15th April.

Conference Proceedings. Selected conference papers will be peer-reviewed for the publishing in the international journal Review of the National Center for Digitization:

Program Commitee

Žarko Mijajlović (Serbia), Chair
Dunja Seiter-Šverko (Croatia), Co-chair
Umit Atabek (Turkey)
Nicolaie Constantinescu (Romania)
Zoran Krstulović (Slovenia)
Milena Dobreva (Malta)
Nikola Ikonomov (Bulgaria)
Zoran Ognjanović (Serbia)
Selma Rizvić (Bosnia and Hercegovina)

Organizing Committee

Dragan Blagojević (Serbia)
Vesna Vučković (Serbia)
Gordana Nastić Todorović (Serbia)
Milica Milinković (Serbia)
Bojan Marinković (Serbia)
Miloš Milovanović (Serbia)
Marija Šegan (Serbia)

Important Dates

1th April 2014: Abstract submissions
15th April 2014: Notification of the authors
16th April 2014: Registration opens
6th May 2014: Submission of presentations
10th May 2014: Registration closes


Geographical focus
  • Danube Macroregion
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Humanities
  • Natural Sciences
  • Social Sciences
Event type
  • Conference Danube Macroregion
  • Conference in EU/international
  • Conference WBs

Entry created by Marija Segan on February 18, 2014
Modified on February 21, 2014