PILC - PAR International Leadership Conference

Event date
March 5-7, 2014
Short description

3rd PAR International Leadership Conference

The guiding topic of the 3rd PILC is High Performing Teams - a Formula for Success, accompanied by topics ranging from professional development to new business trends in industry and responsible management. The conference will start with a panel discussion on Visionary Leadership - led by a Director of Iacocca Institute, Mr. Richard M. Brandt.

In addition to participation in the panel discussion on the topic of "Visionary Leadership", participants are offered the opportunitiy to submit and present their papers through scientific and professional lectures on the following topics:

  • 1) International Women Leadership
  • 2) Sustainable Tourism
  • 3) Manager vs. Enterpreneur
  • 4) ICT & Business on virtual platforms

The conference will take place between 5th and 7th of March, 2014 in Opatija, Hotel Milenij****

under the official patronage of the Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry od Science, the Ministry of Education, and the City of Rijeka.

With a goal of accomplishing a concept of lifelong education, deepening and prolonging indivisible relationship of higher education and economics, Business Academy Rijeka, Business School PAR, Lehigh University, and Iaccocca Institute are organizing the 3rd PAR International Leadership Conference.  

The conference is a gathering which unites representatives in the fields of science and economics, where their knowledge and experiences in the area of management and leadership are exchanged.  The attendants and participants will be provided with a unique opportunity to develop their competences, gain new knowledge, and improve their leadership skills. 

The conference will be attended by the entrepreneurship experts and scientists who will present theoretical findings with a specific topic of  the 21st century leaders.  This year's conference will focus on a theme „High Performing Teams – a Formula for Success “ where reputable leaders will share their opinion about the professional development and new business trends in industry, and realize discussion about the important aspects of responsible business managing.

With a panel discussion's theme „Visionary Leadership,“ through the scientific and expert presentations of the Croatian and international presenters, and a two-day workshop, the top coaches from a reputable Lehigh University and Iacocca Institute, will promote leadership as a tool for professional and personal development, and inspire participants to think of their personal career development. 


Geographical focus
  • Croatia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences
Event type
  • Conference in EU/international
  • Conference WBs

Entry created by Gordana Nikolic on January 9, 2014
Modified on January 9, 2014