Interdisciplinary Conference on Religion in Everyday lives

Event date
March 28-29, 2014
Hotel Ambassador, Vienna
Short description

Centre for Research in Social sciences and Humanities 


is inviting paper/panel proposals for the

Interdisciplinary Conference on Religion in Everyday lives to be held in

Vienna, Austria, 28-29. 03. 2014.


Religion is often discussed through the eyes of secularisation theory; however, there is no agreement on what secularisation is, or to what extent religion is present in our present lives even though religion is as influential as ever. Whether we understand secularisation as a decline of religious beliefs, privatization of religion, or as differentiation of the secular spheres and emancipation (Casanova 2006; Berger 2001), we still have to ask ourselves to what extent religion shapes our present lives. Many scholars believed religion will eventually loose importance and that societies will face decline of religious beliefs, but by the end of the 20th century many changed their views and acknowledged that secularisation theory does not work, and that religion is as important as ever (Berger, 1999). Nonetheless, we can agree with a view “religious communities have survived and even flourished to the degree that they have not tried to adapt themselves to the alleged requirements of a secularised world” (Berger, 1999: 4).

Recently, scholars also advocated that religion emerges in times of crisis such as, for example, the Arab Spring, breakup of former Yugoslavia, current economic crisis that is shaking the world etc. It is questionable whether we can truly discuss secularisation as a phenomenon, or we should simply turn our attention to the notion of religion in all of its aspects, and try to increase understanding of this complex phenomenon.

We are, therefore, seeking papers from social sciences and humanities that address religion and its influence on our present reality, and its growing importance.

Papers are invited (but not limited to) for the following panels:

  • Secularisation vs sacralisation

  • Methodology in researching religion

  • Spirituality

  • Pilgrimage

  • Religious practices

  • Religion and culture

  • Religion and the media

  • Religious subjectivity

  • Material religion

  • Religion and childhood

  • Religion and critical theory

  • Religion and discrimination

  • Religion and identity

  • Religion and education

  • Religion and belonging

  • Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia

  • Religion and the Idea of Europe

  • Religion and ethnicity


Prospective participants are also welcome to submit proposals for their own panels.

Submissions of abstracts (up to 500 words), short bios (up to 100 words), and email contact should be sent to Dr Martina Topić ( by 15th February 2014. Decisions will be made by 25th February, and payment of the conference fee has to be made by 1st March. Panel proposals should be sent by 1st February 2014. When we receive four or five quality papers for a whole panel, we will send notification of acceptance earlier.

Finalised Conference programme will be available by 15th March. Early decisions are available for participants with EU visa requirements, and for panel proposals.

Participants should indicate in their applications whether they would like to chair one of the existing panels (if not proposing their own panel).

The Centre plans to establish a peer review journal, as well as publish working papers and edited volumes. Conference papers will be considered for publication.

We welcome paper proposals from scholars, NGO activists, Master and PhD students, and independent researchers.


Conference fee is EUR 290, and it includes

- The registration fee

- Conference bag and folder with materials

- Conference publication

- Access to the newsletter, and electronic editions of the Centre

- Opportunity for participating in future activities of the Centre (research & co-editing volumes)

- Discount towards participation fee for future conferences

- Conference drinks (mineral water and fruit juices)

- Coffee-break morning with drinks and pastries

- Buffet Lunch (Hotel Ambassador)

- Coffee-break afternoon with drinks and pastries

- Buffet Dinner (Hotel Ambassador)

- WLAN during the conference

- Conference rate for rooms at Hotel Ambassador

- Certificate of attendance


Centre for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences is a private institution founded in December 2013 in Croatia (EU).

We selected Austria as a place for hosting conferences due to Austria’s favourable geographic position, and liberal Visa regime for conference participants with EU Visa requirements.

Unfortunately, the Centre has no available funds for covering transport and accommodation in Austria. Participants are responsible for finding funding to cover transportation and accommodation costs during the whole period of the conference.

The Centre will not discriminate based on the origin and/or methodological/paradigmatic approach of prospective conference participants.

Conference drinks, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners are covered for both days of the conference.



Dr Martina Topić

Research associate

Centre for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities

Viktora Kovačića 5

HR - 10 010 Zagreb


Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Philipp Brugner on January 2, 2014
Modified on January 2, 2014