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  • Posted on May 16, 2013
  • Social Science Research Sector in Serbia

    The comprehensive study, “Social Science Research Sector in Serbia: An Overview of the Current Situation, Main Challenges and Policy Recommendations”, was released on 26 April 2013. The study is part... read more

  • Posted on May 7, 2013
  • Social Economy Guide

    The European Commission has just published the Social Economy and social entrepeneurship - Social Europe guide written in collaboration with Euricse. The Social Europe guide is a bi-annual publication... read more

  • Posted on April 24, 2013
  • Fit-For-Health Newsletter - March 2013

    This is the 10th issue by the FP7 project Fot for Health and it covers: International Strategy Conference Strategic Development Workshop  International BIO Convention 2013 ... read more

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