Social Science Research Sector in Serbia

The comprehensive study, “Social Science Research Sector in Serbia: An Overview of the Current Situation, Main Challenges and Policy Recommendations”, was released on 26 April 2013. The study is part of theRRPP Policy Dialogue framework under the leadership of the RRPP Local Coordination Unit Serbia (Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade). It is the result of an eighteen-month span of research analyses and discussions with Working Group members, researchers, members of the Scientific Board for Social Sciences in Serbia and relevant Ministry representatives. (Working Group members include those young and experienced participants engaged in different fields of social sciences that are affiliated with academic or civil sector organisations).


The analyses provides an outstanding insights on the research capacities, practices and main challenges that the social science researchers face. The Working Group members also detect the main systematic deficiencies that have limited the development of social sciences in Serbia thus far. Additionally, they provide basic recommendations and necessary future steps that should be carried out in order to improve research quality and encourage the usage of scientific work for the betterment of Serbian society. 

As the research in this field is unique in Serbia, this study should certainly be useful for all policy makers and stakeholders in discussions on potential improvements for current legal frameworks, strategies and policies related to the social sciences research sector in Serbia.
“Social Science Research Sector in Serbia: An Overview of the Current Situation, Main Challenges and Policy Recommendations” consists of six chapters:

Assessment Levels of Both Scientific and Research Capacities in Serbian Social Sciences and the Identification of Salient Obstacles

The chapter, prepared by Mr Predrag Cvetičanin from the Center for Empirical Cultural Studies and Ms Mina Petrović from the Institute for Social Research, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, is based on a survey performed with support from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development. Almost one-half of all Ministry-recorded researchers in Serbian social sciences participated in the survey. The overall analysis indicates that the scientific community in Serbia is rather closed and self-referential.


Research Funding

This chapter, prepared by Ms Marija Veličkovic from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, and Mr Mihajlo Djukić from the Institute of Economic Sciences, provides an analysis of the funds invested in Serbian science during the last decade. The analysis focuses on fields of science that are neglected - the social sciences and humanities in particular - and which require stronger financial support by the Serbian Government. The authors also indicate a strategy that could motivate the private sector to invest in the field; a practice that is still missing in Serbia. Finally, the research finds an essential role to be played by international donors for the development of social science research.


Scientific Evaluation System

The authors of this chapter - Mr Branko Urošević from the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, and Dušan Pavlović from the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade - demonstrate how the current scientific evaluation system induces a clear demotivating effect on researchers working in the social sciences. The chapter also provides specific recommendations for policy makers that would stimulate researchers to publish their scientific papers in internationally-recognised journals, thereby increasing the quality of scientific production in Serbia.


Young Researchers and Perspectives of Social Sciences Research in Serbia

Young researchers in Serbia seem to be systematically neglected. A stronger support network is necessary in order to increase their research capacities, allow them to specialise, study abroad or publish in internationally-recognised journals. Ms Dubravka Valić Nedeljković, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, and Mr Marko Kmezić, Faculty of Law, Graz University, provide us with various suggestions to improve Serbian perspectives of the social sciences, simultaneously aiding the embattled position of their young researchers.


Implementation of Research Findings and Cooperation Between Decision Makers and Researchers

Potentially beneficial social science research results are rarely used in the decision making process due to a lack of cooperation between the researcher community and decision makers. The authors, Ms Tanja Pavlov from Group 484, Ms Mirjana Rašević from the Institute of Social Sciences and Mr Dejan Stanković from the Institute for Educational Research, suggest strategies in this chapter for enhancing communication and cooperation between policy makers and researchers; allowing the country’s socio-economic development to thrive from the research conducted.


Establishing the “Social Science Researchers Association”

According to the analysis performed for this chapter, researchers in the field of social sciences feel they are generally unorganised as a collective group of researchers. As a result, the Working Group proposes an establishment of the Social Science Researchers Association. This association would focus on increasing researcher contributions (and therefore society’s benefits) by promoting social sciences and aiding young researchers; helping them to cope with many pre-existing issues in the field and its status in Serbia.

Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on May 16, 2013
Modified on May 16, 2013