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  • Posted on March 15, 2011
  • ICT in Serbia at a Glance

    The study "ICT in Serbia - at a Glance" was written by the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit... read more

  • Posted on February 2, 2011
  • Serbia's Transition. Towards a Better Future

    The book provides a comprehensive evaluation of the achievements and failures of the transition to a market economy in Serbia, and explains why the process has been more complex than in other parts of... read more

  • Posted on January 12, 2011
  • Bosnian Scientific Diaspora

    The reports introduce BiH scientific diaspora in two volumes on Bosnian PhD holders and researchers i.e. „Ko je ko u bh. dijaspori: doktori nauka i naučno-istraživački radnici“ – part... read more

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