National Information Society Policy - FYR of Macedonia

NISP is a document which should be integrated with the other development strategies in the state, supported by all political entities by a consensus, in order to provide for the implementation of all designed programmes, projects and initiatives to move towards the Information Society. At the same time, this document contributes towards linking the activities in the area of the information and communication technologies (ICT) in Macedonia with the programmes, projects and the structural funds of the EU. This document provides for efficient implementation and usage of the ICT in all entities in the Republic of Macedonia, which will provide an incentive for the competitiveness of the Macedonian economy, transparency and efficiency in the operation of the Government and the participation of the citizens in the building of the Society.
Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Commission for Information Technology (2005). Available from:, accessed 31.01.2007.


Publication Year


Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Commission for Information Technology
Geographical focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 22, 2007
Modified on May 22, 2007