Opportunities for Researchers from the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH)


“Opportunities for Researchers in the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities” is a document compiled within Task 3.3, “SSH Opportunities in other FP7 Themes and other ERA Initiatives” in the frame of the EU-financed project “NET4SOCIETY – Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points for Social-economic sciences and the Humanities”. It aims at raising the awareness of researchers from the socio-economic sciences and humanities, who are familiar with Theme 8 “Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities”, to opportunities for socio-economic research and humanities research in all the other areas of the 7th European Research Framework Programme (FP7) and other ERA Initiatives.

This document includes the SSH relevant topics in FP7 calls opened in July 2011.

The topics were extracted from the four specific programmes of FP7: Cooperation, Ideas, People and Capacities, which researchers from socio-economic sciences and humanities might find of interest. In addition, opportunities in ERA-Nets, Joint Programming Initiatives and Article 185 Initiatives are presented as well.

The approach we took here is a “targeted” approach: included are topics that contain SSH related themes with strong relevance (compared with marginal relevance) to the SSH community.

Yet, for some programmes, a list of additional titles of topics is added, with no further details. For obtaining information on the content of these topics, please use the website under “Call Information” of the relevant call.

Therefore, researchers are strongly encouraged to screen the Work Programmes themselves in order not to lose out on research opportunities offered to their specific interest. In any case, the Work Programmes need to be read in more detail to be aware about the overall approach of the Theme, the context of the topics, rules of participation and other specific requirements.

Of special importance are budget thresholds and funding schemes. These and any other relevant information can be found in the specific “Work Programme” and in the “Guide for Applicants”. All the relevant documents can be downloaded from the page dedicated to open calls. The specific links are provided for every call in the respective chapters.

This analysis of SSH relevant topics in other thematic areas of FP7 and other ERA Initiatives will be updated following the publications of new calls.



Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on September 12, 2011
Modified on September 12, 2011