"EU-Balkan countries Cooperation in Science and Technology" ACTION PLAN

This is an action plan prepared by the Greek Research and Innovation Information Centre. The Action plan specifies the objectives and thematic priorities for the main goals set in the ‘Shared vision’ document, identifies the potential instruments for the implementation of the policy and provides for the preparation of annual workprogrammes of the actions to be undertaken.
Greek Research and Innovation Information Centre (2003): "EU-Balkan countries Cooperation in Science and Technology" ACTION PLAN. Available from: ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/greece/docs/eu_balkan_actionplan_030627.pdf, accessed 12.9.2006.


Publication Year


Greek Research and Innovation Information Centre
Geographical focus
  • SEE

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 23, 2007
Modified on May 23, 2007