Diversified Funding streams for University-based research: Impact of external project-based research funding on financial management in Universities

The Expert Group’s Report is structured along the following main chapters:

  • Introduction of the members of the Expert Group
  • Executive Summary and Recommendations
  • Definitions and Terminology used in the report
  • Overview of the characteristics of external project-based research funding
  • mechanisms across Europe and comparative countries
  • Universities' different experiences and needs: Identification of the impact of external
  • funding requirements and conditions and assessment of universities experiences and needs
  • The way forward: the sustainability of university-based research
  • Annexes including the list of references, the questionnaire used and the list of contributors to the discussions of the Expert Group

European Commission - DG RTD: Diversified Funding streams for University-based research: Impact of external project-based research funding on financial management in Universities. Expert Group Report chaired by Sabine Herlitschka, Brussels 2008.



Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Europe

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 9, 2009
Modified on April 9, 2009