Guidance Notes on Audit Certification

The objective of these guidance notes is to give an overview of the requirements and provisions which are of importance in claiming costs for reimbursement and hence in the certification of financial statements and on the methodology. These guidance notes do not reflect an official position of the Commission; only the provisions of the signed grant agreement are binding.
The text of this document is valid as of the present date however it may be updated if necessary to reflect developments in the certificate on the financial statements and on the methodology procedures as they occur (in particular, the FAQs contained in Annex 1).
This document will be completed with Part II, which will cover technical aspects related to the testing procedures to be performed by the external auditors.
European Commission (2007): Certificates Issued by External Auditors. Guidance Notes for Beneficiaries and Auditors. Part I: The Certificate on the Methodology. Materials prepared by the Working Group on Certificate on the Methodology under FP7. Versioni July 23, 2007.
Available from:, as accessed August 3, 2007.


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Elke Dall on August 3, 2007
Modified on August 3, 2007