Europe on the Threshold of Southeastern Enlargement

This is a Strategy Paper presented to the Conference "Southeast Europe on the Way into the European Union" held by the Bertelsmann Stiftung. First strategic dimensions of Southeastern enlargement are presented. The authors write about Europe’s responsibility for the Balkans and European states’ common substantive interests. Then the paper deals with the conditions for accession. It states that Balkan countries should settle their statehood conflicts and establish stable democracies under the rule of law, guaranteeing the protection of human rights and minorities. The European Union’s capacity for enlargement is also discussed and a plan for Southeastern enlargement presented.
Bertelsmann Group for Policy Research Center for Applied Policy Research
Ludwig-Maximilians-University (2005): Europe on the Threshold of Southeastern Enlargement. Available from:, accessed 19.8.2005.


Publication Year


Bertelsmann Group for Policy Research Center for Applied Policy Research
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 25, 2007
Modified on May 25, 2007