FP7 Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities Indicative Strategic Research Roadmap 2011-2013

From 2010 onwards, research under the SSH programme will be following an overall integrated "Strategic Research Roadmap" covering the period 2011-2013. It enables a better and comprehensive planning and coordination for the research community as well as for the European Union policies. Please note however that this Roadmap is purely indicative and subject to change. It is legally non-binding for the European Commission and only serves information purposes.

The roadmap is based on the objectives and activities set out in the Specific Programme "Cooperation"1. It takes into account the topics covered within previous work programmes and the funded projects within the activities respectively. Furthermore current policy developments and policy needs (expressed for example through other Commission Services within the Inter-Service Consultations) are taken into account as well as significant societal and economic developments identified with the Expert Advisory Group.

In line with the new approach for the SSH Programme within each of the activities of the Specific Programme, the roadmap identifies major 'Societal Challenges' that have to be tackled in a medium to long term perspective 'Topics' that in general will be approached by small-medium scale focused research projects or coordination and support actions that strive at either addressing urgent needs or complementing the research agenda of the societal challenges.

Since research conducted under this programme is funded by public resources, its results should be as publicly and widely accessible as possible, thus the EU provisions for access to scientific information will apply. At the same time, due respect for ethical issues –including data protection, protection of private life and informed consent - will be required.

This document is structured in terms of the 8 Activity headings of the SSH specific programme. In each of these activities, it presents

  • An extract of the description set out in the Specific Programme "Cooperation"
  • An overview of the topics already covered by the previous Work Programmes 2007-2008; 2009 and 2010
  • An overview over the funded projects in FP7 so far
  • An overall rationale for 2011 as well as the titles of the Challenges and Topics currently envisaged for 2011
  • An outlook beyond 2011 indicating potential Challenges and Topics.

Indicative Strategic Research Roadmap 2011-2013, 2009.



Publication Year



DG Research

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 30, 2009
Modified on October 30, 2009