Writing terms of reference: a how to guide (World Bank)

The terms of reference (ToR) document defines all aspects of how a consultant or a team will conduct an evaluation. It defines the objectives and the scope of the evaluation, outlines the responsibilities of the consultant or team, and provides a clear description of the resources available to conduct the study. Developing an accurate and well-specified ToR is a critical step in managing a high-quality evaluation. The evaluation ToR document serves as the basis for a contractual arrangement with one or more evaluators and sets the parameters against which the success of the assignment can be measured.”

This publication provides user-friendly guidance for writing ToRs by covering the following areas:
1. Definition and function. What is a ToR? When is one needed? What are its objectives? This section also highlights how an evaluation ToR is different from other ToRs.
2. Content. What should be included in a ToR? What role(s) will each of the sections of the document serve in supporting and facilitating the completion of a high-quality evaluation?
3. Preparation. What needs to be in place for a practitioner or team to develop the ToR for an evaluation or review?
4. Process. What steps should be taken to develop an effective ToR? Who should be involved for each of these steps?

A quality checklist and some Internet resources are included in this publication to foster good practice in writing ToRs for evaluations and reviews of projects and programs. The publication also provides references and resources for further information.

More information from Independent Evaluation Group



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Geographical focus
  • International; Other
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Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on November 15, 2011
Modified on November 15, 2011