EUA institutional evaluations of seven Universities of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Cross cutting summary report

This is a cross cutting summary report on seven universities in BIH conducted by the European University Association (EUA). First the whole procedure of evaluation is described (self-evaluation process, EUA visits etc). It is stated that higher education in BiH is highly constrained by the legal situation, which does not provide a suitable framework for addressing current or future challenges facing the universities. EUA also evauates university missions, visions and profiles; teaching and learning; research on universities. Last but not the least the report discusses observations on the implementation of the Bologna Process in BiH.
European University Association (2004): EUA institutional evaluations of seven Universities of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Cross cutting summary report. Available from:, accessed 8.3.2006.


Publication Year


European University Association
Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
Related organisations

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 24, 2007
Modified on May 24, 2007