Europe’s Regional Research Systems: Current Trends and Structures

"This booklet is divided into three main parts: in the first part, the analytical concept of the booklet is presented. Accordingly, a definition of regional research systems as well as key characteristics and constituent features (actors and structures) is given. In the following chapter, the most recent trends and structures of European regional research systems are described based on the most current data available on the NUTS 2 level.2 The report will give an overview of a series of research and technology "input" as well as "output" indicators, in terms of R&D expenditure, R&D personnel, patents and publications. In the third part of the booklet, a typology of European NUTS 2 regions based on the framework of reference of the theoretical concept of regional research systems is introduced. It takes into account indicators which reflect the relative socio-economic relevance of the regional research system, the nature of the activities performed and the relative importance of the actors involved. Empirical results with relevance for the European Research Area are presented on the basis of this typology. Finally, chapter 4 gives a summary of the results and formulates the most relevant policy questions."

Source: Introduction of the booklet.


Henning Kroll/Thomas Stahlecker, Europe’s regional research systems: current trends and structures, Brussels 2009.



Publication Year



DG Research.

Geographical focus
  • Europe

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 5, 2009
Modified on November 5, 2009