Preparing Europe for a New Renaissance. A Strategic View of the European Research Area

The first annual report of the European Research Area Board lays out a broad view of what needs to be done in order to accomplish the 'Renaissance' of creaing a truly open European Research Area marked by free movement of people and ideas.

  • As a ‘vision’ paper, it identifies six broad areas in whichb action must be taken:
  • the creation of a united ERA
  • the solution of the Grand Challenges
  • the interaction of science and society
  • the collaboration of public and private sectors in open innovation
  • the encouragement of excellence, and,
  • the promotion of cohesion.

European Research Area Board: Preparing Europe for a New Renaissance. A Strategic View of the European Research Area. First Report of the European Research Area Board, 2009.



Publication Year



EC/DG Research.

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on August 4, 2010
Modified on August 4, 2010