10 Keys to Fully Understand European Subsidies for 2009

"Why is this guide useful for you ?

Accessing to European subsidies appears for most projects leaders as an underestimated and difficult task. Indeed, many organisations are missing financing opportunities that would help them developping their activities. Thanks to this guide, you get a first concrete approach of how subsidies work. Besides, it aims to explain you easily the various steps, rules and priorities that you will have to follow to obtain European subsidies and to optimize your chance of succeeding."


1- European subsidies: definition and explanation
2- European programmes: definition and explanation
3- The Community action programmes
4- External cooperation programmes
5- Structural funds
6- The project leader’s journey
7- Evaluation of the project by the European Commission
8- The progression of the European project
9- Welcomeurope’s role
10-Practical vocabulary


Welcomeeurope: 10 Keys to Fully Understand European Subsidies for 2009, Paris 2009.



Publication Year




Geographical focus
  • Europe

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 24, 2009
Modified on April 24, 2009