The impact of publicly funded research on innovation: An analysis of European Framework Programmes for Research and Development

The Innovation Impact (INNO IMPACT) study has assessed the impact of publicly funded research on innovation. The study has focused on the interface between research,technological advancement and innovation. Special emphasis is placed on the role of thecollaborative R&D projects funded by the 5th and 6th European Framework Programmes forResearch, Technological Development and Demonstration in promoting innovation and the innovation output of the FPs.



The impact of publicly funded research on innovation - An analysis of European Framework Programmes for Research and Development (Authors: Robbert Fisher, Wolfgang Polt, Nicholas Vonortas. With contributions from: Laurent Bach, Ronald Dekker, Michael Dinges, Aners Gjoen, Babis Ipektsidis, Alfred Kleinknecht, Mireille Matt, Luca Remotti, Eric Söderquist, Yiannis Spanos, Gerhard Streicher), 2009.



Publication Year




Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 1, 2010
Modified on February 1, 2010