EU-Balkan Countries Cooperation in Science and Technology 2nd ad-hoc Group meeting of High level officials - DRAFT Summary of Conclusions

This is a conference proceeding (2nd ad-hoc Group meeting of High Level Officials, Brussels, February 2, 2005) that first sets draft conclusions from the activities so far and then names future prospectives. It also points out that since the discussions for the structure and content of the 7th Framework Programme are in progress, there is a need to highlight the necessity to maintain and enhance specific activities dedicated to the Western Balkan region.
European Commission (2005): EU-Balkan Countries Cooperation in Science and Technology 2nd ad-hoc Group meeting of High level officials - DRAFT Summary of Conclusions.


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 28, 2007
Modified on May 28, 2007