Graz: April 27th 2006 – Discussion on “Research, Technology and Regional Policy in an Enlarging Europe”. Background document on Serbia.
* Role and importance of research and technology in Serbia and the basic economy indicators presented in the form of the tables of statistical data on the population, structure and employment of the country and its science and technology system as of 2004. In the table assuming the national innovation capacity indicators Serbia is compared with Bulgaria, Romania and other EU countries.
* Serbia’s current and future political and economic challenges.
* Main goals based on the European integration prospect.
* Regional aspects of research and technology activities within the framework of the South East Foresight Triangle including the Great Southern Plain Region (Hungary), RDA West (Romania) and Vojvodina (Serbia).The general issue discussed in the presentation deals with the potentials for cooperation with South-Eastern Europe in an enlarged Europe specifying the technology foresight in pre-accession countries.
- Serbia
Entry created by Elke Dall on August 16, 2006
Modified on August 16, 2006