Just Green Transition in the Western Balkans - Overcoming Transitions Fatigue

“Just Green Transition” (JGT) is the term used today to describe the global crusade to transit from unsustainable economic models towards a carbon
neutral economy. This process entails far-reaching technological, institutional, and behavioural changes (transition) that should contribute to reducing the impacts of the environmental crisis (green) and shall take place in a socially-fair way (just).

In the Western Balkans (WB), however, the JGT  is, so far, mostly used as a buzzword without fully generating the necessary awareness of the scale and transformative nature it implies. This is reflected in the absence of a comprehensive approach to coordinating climate and environmental action.

Instead, there is a patchwork of policy initiatives tackling specific sectors. Furthermore, as the WB countries commit to the JGT, a key concern is how to land the narrative of a ‘transition’ in a region that has been subject to several transitions through history with questionable levels of success.

This policy brief aims to increase clarity of what are the practical implications of JGT for the WB region and for its domestic policy arena, and offer
recommendations for how to achieve better policy implementation and increased societal support.

Document type
  • Policy/Strategy


Publication Year


GreenFORCE project
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Natural Sciences

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on October 11, 2023
Modified on October 11, 2023