Strategic Foresight - Recommendations for the future of R&I in the Western Balkans

Prevailing challenges in the Western Balkans show that the orthodox approaches of the past to preparing for the future have not always produced the desired results. Translating ambitious political agendas and goals into concrete results, therefore, requires new, innovative approaches.

The POLICY ANSWERS team has facilitated a Foresight Workshop on Anticipatory Science Advice, where selected experts from the region exchanged visions and defined joint priorities for R&I.

The workshop was based on the three co-created scenarios of the study Strategic Foresight in the Western Balkans: Recovery on the Horizon, which are entitled “Joining the Common Market”, “Looking beyond EU Borders”, and “Putting Business First”.

The summary of the recommendations for R&I of the future reflect the priorities of the participants and were elaborated during a workshop in Podgorica in March 2023.

Document type
  • Practical Advice/Guide


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on September 7, 2023
Modified on October 27, 2023