Widening in Horizon Europe: new elements, new instruments

Instruments supporting Widening Countries in Horizon Europe (HE), the 9th EU framework programme for research and innovation (2021–2027), are grouped into the Advancing Europe package comprising the set of classical instruments under the Horizon Europe part “Widening Participation
and Spreading Excellence” (TEAMING, TWINNING, ERA Chairs), three new ones: Excellence Hubs, European Excellence Initiative (EEI), and ERA Fellowships; and specific measures targeting applicants from Widening Countries across the entire Horizon Europe (Hop On Facility, Recognition of Participation, Matchmaking and Proposal review).

This article briefly describes the three core Widening instruments as well as two of the new ones, with an emphasis on the new components.
For more information on the evolution of the Widening instruments under H2020, we recommend reading the relevant article in issue 8 of our e-Bulletin, published in December 2020 (available on the NCP_WIDE.NET project website)

Document type
  • Discussion paper


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Horizon Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on November 21, 2022
Modified on November 21, 2022