Designing active labour market policies for the recovery

Active labour market policies (ALMPs) that connect people to good jobs will help to promote an equitable and sustained recovery from the COVID‑19 crisis. Labour demand measures have been vital to preserve jobs in the short term and countries have begun to implement a suite of training programmes for displaced workers. Getting the correct balance of ALMPs is essential for ensuring an effective use of resources that reach, the people in need, including those most at risk of permanent detachment from the labour market and respond well to their needs. This policy brief highlights how OECD countries and a number of other countries have responded to the crisis in adapting and expanding the suite of ALMPs that they offer to prepare for an inclusive recovery.

Document type
  • Discussion paper


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on October 7, 2022
Modified on October 7, 2022