Minority youth in Europe: A state of play

The report is therefore an articulation of specific issues calling attention to the long-standing challenges faced by minority youth. It should not be read as a manual providing measures and solutions to improving the situation of minority youth but rather as a starting point. We believe that
in order to create spaces and opportunities that are participatory, inclusive and diverse, we should not look into the exchange of good practices as an example of a “one-size-fits-all” model but rather as an opportunity to self-reflect on our own practices.

For this, first and foremost policy gaps have to be identified and transnational barriers and challenges of minority youth documented, recognized and acknowledged. To this end, the report offers a perspective on minority youth not only to non-minority members, but also to minority organisations themselves, hopefully starting a broader dialogue on the topic and contributing to a positive attitude on cultural diversity among young people, regardless if they belong to a minority or not.

Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


Youth of European Nationalities: Authors: Giuanna Beeli, Ydwine Scarse, Pia Šlogar / Editors and Contributors: Kristina Anxhara, Andor Barabás, Florian Leduc, Rejzka Lipičec, Andjelo Pavlovski, Eva Schubert
Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on August 24, 2022
Modified on August 24, 2022