Science Journalism’s Unlikely Golden Age

Abstract: "We live in a golden age of science and environmental journalism. In the face of the widespread decline of traditional publications, such as regional newspapers and national newsmagazines, and a broader media ecosystem awash with low-quality, sensationalized, sometimes intentionally mis-leading material, science and environmental journalists and their allies have stood up to assert the value of rigorous, factual, independent coverage and scrutiny. Here, we argue that there has never been more, better quality science and environmental journalism produced than there is today—and yet that the field itself and the careers of individual science and environmental journalists have never been more precarious (Powell, 2015; Bajak, 2016). We review key recent changes in science and environmental journalism, highlight some similarities and differences between the practices of science and journalism, and suggest potential avenues for strengthening science and environmental journalism in the coming decade."

Document type
  • Discussion paper
  • Research paper


Publication Year


Thomas Hayden and Erika Check Hayden
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on September 24, 2021
Modified on September 24, 2021