Factsheet: Horizon Europe - budget

Horizon Europe has a budget of EUR 95.5 billion for the period from 2021-2027. This includes EUR 5.4 billion from the Next Generation EU instrument, particularly to support the green and digital recovery from the COVID crisis. The budget is divided amongst four pillars and 15 components to create a programme that will support all the areas of Research and Innovation: excellent science, global challenges and industrial competitiveness, innovative Europe and widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area. In Horizon 2020 Norway and Iceland participated in the program as EEA/EFTA members, while Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Israel, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine are associated. It is hoped that all these countries will be associated to Horizon Europe, alongside the United Kingdom, and possibly others that meet the criteria set out in Article 16 of the Regulation.

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Document type
  • Practical Advice/Guide


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • H2020
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on June 16, 2021
Modified on June 16, 2021