[WBC-RTI.INFO Newsletter] - Euro Science Open Forum 2020

Under the overarching motto of ‘Science for freedom, freedom for science’, thousands of the world’s leading researchers, innovators and policymakers participated in the largest science conference in Europe, ESOF 2020, which took place from 2 to 6 September in Trieste, Italy. 

The Western Balkan Countries Information Platform on Research Technology and Innovation (WBC-RTI) showed a strong presence in this year’s conference organising two interactive events with prominent speakers and specialists from the region.

ESOF is a biennial, pan-European, general science conference dedicated to scientific research and innovation.  As Covid-19 spread around the globe, the 9th edition of ESOF had to be redesigned to allow physical and virtual spaces to work together. An  innovative format gathered top-quality scientific discussion that achieved great success among on-site and online participants. Approximatey 2500 people registered for the event; among these, more than 1000 participated in person and 1400 people connected remotely every day. On average each event was attended online by around 300 people, and the event saw 4300 overall virtual visits. ESOF2020 was in the global spotlight: online visitors came from 52 countries across 5 continents.

Please find the newsletter below available for download

Document type
  • Newsletter


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • EC
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on December 10, 2020
Modified on December 10, 2020